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By January 8, 2018December 9th, 2018archive

Set in 18th century Paraguay, Zama is a dissatisfied magistrate assigned to a remote colony.  This stunning and bold piece of filmmaking, full of wit and striking visuals, casts a powerful spell.

Don Diego de Zama is a magistrate in a remote Spanish colony in South America. He dutifully does his job, hoping to persuade his superiors to approve a transfer to Buenos Aires. As the months pass, and he grows increasingly desperate, the unhinged Zama hopes that a dangerous mission to capture a notorious outlaw will finally guarantee his long-awaited relocation.

The first film in almost a decade from Argentinian director Lucrecia Martel (The Headless Woman) is very much worth the wait: This is a stunning, strange and bold piece of filmmaking,

Desire and despair at the end of the world. In Lucrecia Martel’s magnificent drama, a Spanish officer stuck at a remote South American outpost numbs his burgeoning panic with erotic reveries. –  The Guardian  ★★★★

This surreal period piece is 2018’s best film so far. Lucrecia Martel’s Paraguay-set drama finds pathos and grim humor in colonial South America.Vanity Fair Magazine

Lucrecia Martel, one of the greatest directors in the world right now, gets a well earned retrospective at Lincoln Center in New York City.Vogue Magazine

Click here for The Irish Times review.

95% rating from Rotten Tomatoes

Argentina, 2017 |Language: Spanish | 115 minutes | Cert: CLUB

Director: Lucrecia Martel

Cast: Daniel Giménez Cacho, Lola Dueñas, Matheus Nachtergaele